Sunday, April 18, 2010

Home Again

Dear Ellen

The gallery has been doing well. I am surprised by this although I should have known you would be smiling down on it all, guiding people in to buy art. I didn't have many expectations when I opened it, I only felt it would be a place to work and a source of a little extra income. It has become so much more than that. Working on art again has been a comfort and saving grace, but it's the encounters with people who come through the gallery that have truly inspired me. I didn't expect this at all. The people owning other shops along the street wave and wish good morning on their way to work. Strangers come through the gallery during the day, people from all over the country or just from the next block and they share a story and a little bit of themselves. Our friends stop by the "clubhouse" for a hug, or "therapy" or just a brief but wonderful conversation. My day is constantly interupted with such beautiful moments, just when I need them the most. The messages brought to me are gifts, small and perfect gifts. They heal my wounds and remind me to stay grateful, to remain most human and vulnerable. It's been a blessing to have this place to work, to learn these lessons.

Thank you, Ellen, for bringing me home again. You knew what you were doing.


danielle said...

Dear Cathy,

we all know that since you met Ellen, you have found inside yourself so many precious treasures that you had kept hidden to protect you. She understood from the time she met you that they existed,they wanted to come out, be shared and brighten with happiness... she helped you unfold them one by one,with tenderness and love and appreciation...magically...
She is still your guide, your muse your fairy...your GRACE!!!


Kathy Prudhomme said...

I have only known you since you came into Ellen's life, so the beautiful, loving woman I know is the only "you" I know! Thank you so much for sharing your heart with us; it helps those of us far away feel a little closer. Love, Utah Kathy :)